Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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It's Friday. Have A Cat

It's a gloomy day, and Abby is watching the rain.

Have a good weekend.

Tags: Cats  Pictures
12/14/2012 3:50:48 PM
As the philosopher Jagger said...
You can't always get what you want.

But sometimes you get what you need.

Bowling was interesting this morning. Struggled the first game and then ended up with a 197 - just one pin under my average. Next game I strung the first five frames (strikes) and then had an open. Ended up with a 227. The third game was up and down, and I closed with a 192 for a 592 series.

I wanted that 600, but I needed to string some strikes.

Apropos of Jagger:

4/11/2007 5:16:34 PM
I ache, therefore I am
Man, has it been a long day! I finally got the curtains up, and they don't look bad. They certainly look better than the previous ones. I still need to do the shelves in the bathroom. That may have to wait until Friday.

I've got two busy days ahead, so blogging may be scarce.

I finally got some squirrel pictures last night: 8/1/2006 8:33:36 PM

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It's Friday. Have A Cat
12/14/2012 3:50:48 PM

As the philosopher Jagger said...
4/11/2007 5:16:34 PM

I ache, therefore I am
8/1/2006 8:33:36 PM

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