Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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My Soonercon Schedule
Yes, Soonercon is approaching!

I'm very excited about this weekend, even if my table in the Art Show is going to be sparse this year. My laser burned down, fell over, and sank into the swamp. So, unless the few things I have all to go auction and sell for fabulous prices, I don't know what's next on that front. Well, the laser is still (barely) under warranty, and I have an email in to support. We shall see what happens. Even if I get it ...
6/24/2023 3:57:54 PM
My SoonerCon Schedule
Hey, boys and girls! SoonerCon is this weekend. We're really excited to be back this year.

I'm in the Art Show again, so if you're there, bid early and bid often! If my work isn't your cup of tea, there are plenty of fine artists to support. And if my work is and you still have budget, there are plenty of fine artists to support. 

I have a busy weekend as usual. That's how I like it. I enjoy hanging out with people (and I'll have plenty of time to...
6/22/2022 9:20:43 PM
SoonerCon Wrap-Up
SoonerCon celebrated their 25th convention this weekend, and boy, did they pull out the stops! Kudos to the entire committee for another excellent event!

SoonerCon is my con home away from home. FenCon is always my home con, but since I help run it I never get to see much of what's going on. I always come home from OKC doing my Sally Field impression. And this year...wow! So many wonderful people, so many hugs, so many nice things. So, ...
6/27/2016 2:29:24 PM
SoonerCon Report
(Looky what I bought in the Art Show.)

Yeah, I'm late on this. We had some computer issues and I wanted to wait until we had a link to the radio show ready to post. So now I have no excuse to procrastinate.

SoonerCon was a blast, as usual. I can't say enough...
7/7/2015 9:45:23 AM
My SoonerCon Schedule
I'll be at SoonerCon in Oklahoma City this weekend. It'll be a busy convention:


2 PM Plaza N 
Fictional Physics of Time Travel 

3 PM Red Carpet 
What IS Steampunk??? 

4 PM Red Carpet 
It’s Not The Society for Victorian Accuracy

5 PM Great Plains 
The Business of Books 

Saturday ...
6/13/2012 10:16:36 PM
Home Again, Home Again
We dragged in from SoonerCon this evening. Yean, our tails are tired. We had a good time. I had a reading, sold four photographs at the art auction, herded a party, and generally didn't get a whole lot of sleep.

So I'm off to bed, with a book, of course.

More to come, I'm sure. It may be a couple of days as I have a mountain of laundry to attack tomorrow.

6/6/2010 11:01:15 PM
SoonerCon guest update
One more quick thing: Got an e-mail from Soonercon. They've added Walter Koenig to their guest list. Check out #3 on the "also attending" list. Yes, I'll be there next year!

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11/12/2007 9:31:59 AM
Monday Mumblings
Bricktown, Oklahoma City

Bricktown, in Oklahoma City

I am tired.

Soonercon was a lot of fun, but it was exhausting. Conventions usually are for us, but I'd go to many more if I could.

Note to self for future conventions: One early panel is fine, but not every freakin' morning. And especia...

6/11/2007 4:22:15 PM
See you at Soonercon!
That is, if you'll be in the area.

We'll be at Soonercon in Oklahoma City this weekend. Check out the guest list! Wow. If you're there, please look us up. Here's our schedule:

Saturday: 10:00 am: Intro to Conventions (Julie)

Saturday: 3:00 pm: The Generic Radio Workshop - workshop, casting and rehearsal (Paul, Julie and Chris)

Sunday: 10:00 am: Is Blogging Helping or Hurting Your Career? (Well, that should be a good one! Julie is on this...

6/7/2007 9:07:47 PM
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My Soonercon Schedule
6/24/2023 3:57:54 PM

My SoonerCon Schedule
6/22/2022 9:20:43 PM

SoonerCon Wrap-Up
6/27/2016 2:29:24 PM

SoonerCon Report
7/7/2015 9:45:23 AM

My SoonerCon Schedule
6/13/2012 10:16:36 PM

Home Again, Home Again
6/6/2010 11:01:15 PM

SoonerCon guest update
11/12/2007 9:31:59 AM

Monday Mumblings
6/11/2007 4:22:15 PM

See you at Soonercon!
6/7/2007 9:07:47 PM

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Events and Appearances:
Looks like I don't have any events on the horizon. Contact me to have attend yours!
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