Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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I have been having a lot of fun playing around with CheerLights.

What are CheerLights? It's a project with devices connected all around the world. When someone tweets a color to the @cheerlights account, the lights on every connected device change to that color.

Last year I rebuilt a fiber optic Christmas tree with cheerlights and stuck a webcam on it. Well, that was fun, but what if someone isn't on Twitter? What...
11/3/2022 10:33:51 AM
Oh, Look! It's Windows 11!
So far my cheese hasn't been moved very much.

Took most of the morning to update, but so far so good.

And yes, I'm back at the Journal. More on that later
10/5/2021 4:14:57 PM
DIY Pandemic Clock
I saw this project on Adafruit and knew I had to modify it for an old Android phone. This will run on any modern(ish) web browser, so you can run it on your desktop. And no web server is required!

(UPDATE: See the notes below the code for instructions on how to customize the messages.)
(SECOND UPDATE: I embedded this on my web page back when I put this project together. I've now changed the title, bec...
4/30/2020 11:30:43 AM
Moving Hosts
If you see this entry, it means the move to our new hosting service was a success, at least initially. There is still much to do, but we're getting there. ...
2/4/2020 10:48:24 AM
Thunderbolt And Lightning, Very Very Frightening
We had just settled in to watch some telly Saturday night, when:


If the house itself didn't get hit, something close by certainly did. There was no damage to the house. We have a large tree in the front yard, so that was obviously a worry.

However, we did lose several bits of electronic equipment including the router, the printer, a monitor, the receiver, and the sprinkler timer. The printer had two levels of surge p...
8/14/2017 11:18:56 AM
Spam Attack!
Wow, I got slammed with comment spam today. Most of it was, er, of an adult nature. I think I've managed to catch and delete all of them.

This is goinna take some wrangling. For now comments don't work.

7/26/2015 7:02:57 PM
My Bot Jeeves
(For those times when I need to call for an Orange Alert.)

A couple of weeks ago I hit my limit on phone solicitors. The phone rang 10 times. I put three of the numbers on the block list with Verizon, which I discovered the next day wasn't working. 

I finally signed up for Nomorobo, and...
7/21/2015 4:57:03 PM
A Storm, With Pictures

Along the lines of the previous post I have some pictures to share. But before I do I need to fill you (and my future self, because I sometimes forget dates) in on something.

A couple of weeks ago my husband presented me with a birthday gift - an Olympus OM-D M-5. Read the specs and wee...
10/2/2014 7:52:52 PM
Oh, Srsly?
So here I am on a major deadline. The software I need to complete the task is on my laptop. The damn thing will. Not. Start. I finally got a revival spell (aka Startup Repair) going, and that's been running for half an hour. Fortunately, the files I need are on the LAN or out in the cloud, so if a total disaster strikes, I may be on the hook for re installing the software as a second-worst case. scenario. Worst case would be a  totally dead laptop. And it ain't totally dead yet. My second-w...
8/22/2013 2:50:16 PM
Maker Christmas, Circa 1926
While running errands last Friday, I dropped in at an antique shop. Look what I found:


This is Radio News from December, 1926. Edited by Hugo Gernsback (yes, that Hugo), the magazine regularly featured a mix of news, devices for hobbyists, and ads. ...
12/13/2012 12:05:09 PM
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11/3/2022 10:33:51 AM

Oh, Look! It's Windows 11!
10/5/2021 4:14:57 PM

DIY Pandemic Clock
4/30/2020 11:30:43 AM

Moving Hosts
2/4/2020 10:48:24 AM

Thunderbolt And Lightning, Very Very Frightening
8/14/2017 11:18:56 AM

Spam Attack!
7/26/2015 7:02:57 PM

My Bot Jeeves
7/21/2015 4:57:03 PM

A Storm, With Pictures
10/2/2014 7:52:52 PM

Oh, Srsly?
8/22/2013 2:50:16 PM

Maker Christmas, Circa 1926
12/13/2012 12:05:09 PM

A Decade Of Blogging
5/17/2012 9:25:28 AM

Social Networking Policies
3/30/2012 9:55:57 AM

Social Networking Policies
3/30/2012 9:55:57 AM

Computer Fun
3/23/2012 7:27:10 AM

Tech And Toys
9/30/2011 2:58:04 PM

I Haz Invites for Spotify and Google+
7/15/2011 10:44:26 AM

More (Computing) Power!
5/5/2011 7:17:56 PM

Latest Twitter Spam Tactic: Retweets
5/2/2011 1:07:50 PM

Lessons for Tech Salespeople
4/29/2011 12:21:50 PM

Greetings From Hard Drive Hell!
4/16/2011 4:50:07 PM

Monday Mumblings Comes Up For Air
3/21/2011 8:29:16 AM

Checking out Storify
3/11/2011 8:25:49 AM

Hello, Froyo
12/5/2010 8:35:10 PM

Frustrating Friday
11/12/2010 4:00:06 PM

Tech troubles of both the high and low kind
10/23/2010 6:06:47 PM

The Pandigital Novel Digital Tablet
7/19/2010 6:49:29 PM

Bring Me The Head of Honoria Glossop!
6/20/2010 9:04:14 PM

6/20/2010 2:14:39 PM

What Were They Thinking?
1/27/2010 9:53:04 PM

Monday Mumblings, Tuesday-style
1/26/2010 10:56:19 AM

A few mutterings on publishing and tech stuff
10/23/2009 10:56:45 AM

Have You Become A Twitter Bot?
9/28/2009 8:43:01 AM

E-mail problems? We haz 'em!
7/8/2009 4:24:12 PM

Weekend Assignment: Darn Computer!
5/2/2009 11:13:03 PM

A Panic That Has Nothing To Do With Swine Flu...I Promise!
4/30/2009 7:59:06 PM

And We're Back!
4/27/2009 6:49:42 PM

Geeky Friday
4/24/2009 9:30:36 PM

Approaching Social Network Overload
2/8/2009 8:14:27 PM

Coming Out From Under My Rock For A Few Comments
2/5/2009 4:43:13 PM

A Laid-Back Kinda Day
2/3/2009 12:11:05 PM

AbsoluteWrite is Down; Looking For New Home
1/17/2009 10:40:29 AM

Monday Mumblings
1/12/2009 11:16:54 AM

It's all on hold...
1/9/2009 8:43:57 PM

Testing a Tablet
12/25/2008 5:53:56 PM

Back From A Tech-Induced Haitus
10/18/2008 7:49:18 PM

Follow-up to Yesterday's Vitrtual Toys Entry
9/13/2008 12:30:07 PM

Long Day, But Good
8/21/2008 9:16:57 PM

Are we having fun, yet?
7/10/2008 8:54:55 PM

7/4/2008 7:06:39 PM

*^&!@ Invitations!
7/3/2008 4:52:37 PM

6/20/2008 10:47:40 PM

Drooling over a new tech offering - and it isn't an iPhone
6/10/2008 9:27:08 AM

In case you have trouble reaching the site today...
6/1/2008 2:08:49 PM

The laptop seems to be back in business
5/29/2008 11:08:17 AM

Are we having fun, yet?
5/29/2008 9:33:14 AM

I Am Stunned
4/5/2008 4:49:00 PM

First thoughts on the new HTC/Sprint Mogul ROM
3/10/2008 2:53:16 PM

3/10/2008 10:11:32 AM

Phone story
3/4/2008 5:06:17 PM

This 'n That
2/28/2008 9:39:26 AM

What's wrong with a little communication?
2/26/2008 12:15:39 PM

2/13/2008 9:39:30 PM

Of all the stupid things...
2/10/2008 6:36:36 PM

It's dead, Jim
1/31/2008 10:30:47 AM

Stuck in voicemail hell
1/31/2008 10:12:59 AM

1/25/2008 10:40:16 PM

New e-card you don't want
12/28/2007 9:39:07 PM

Thinking twice about getting a Mac
12/28/2007 12:21:03 PM

Happy Spam Day?
12/26/2007 12:04:50 PM

We hate spammers!
12/12/2007 1:07:20 PM

Testing some site updates
12/8/2007 10:57:40 AM

The tech museum is online!
12/5/2007 5:06:36 PM

Back from Thanksgiving
11/23/2007 12:20:56 PM

Just what I need, Another project.
11/6/2007 11:27:00 AM

The Gamerator
11/5/2007 4:49:05 PM

And to think someone probably got paid to do this
11/5/2007 2:52:56 PM

Watching the weather change
10/21/2007 10:24:02 PM

Gotta love it!
9/1/2007 8:17:49 PM

AT&T Stops Time...
8/30/2007 8:51:03 AM

Catching up on things
7/26/2007 9:42:15 AM

Update on the HTC Mogul
7/18/2007 5:16:21 PM

A look at the HTC Mogul
7/17/2007 10:20:28 AM

Highway robbery
7/5/2007 9:38:17 AM

Man, is this ever frustrating
6/28/2007 3:56:16 PM

Safari now works under Vista...pretty much
6/26/2007 10:21:36 AM

When good hosting services go bad
6/14/2007 12:00:13 PM

From the "I can't make this up" department
6/12/2007 3:39:08 PM

Safari on 64-bit Vista? Fuggidabout it!
6/12/2007 10:51:49 AM

Making sure this doesn't happen to you
6/11/2007 10:43:07 AM

Score one for the good guys
6/6/2007 2:37:13 PM

Monday Mumblings
6/4/2007 3:21:42 PM

Update from the hardware front
5/30/2007 10:39:41 PM

Waiting on Zooomr Mark III...or something like it
5/25/2007 10:50:55 PM

It's a long slog...
5/24/2007 10:40:55 PM

It's late. A fast update.
5/23/2007 10:54:52 PM

Greetings from the upgrade front!
5/22/2007 11:26:06 AM

And now for another short break...
5/21/2007 9:14:54 PM

5/18/2007 10:35:27 AM

Back in busines ... I think
5/17/2007 12:55:45 PM

Trying to contact us? Having trouble with the RSS feeds?
5/16/2007 8:05:57 AM

Well, that was fun.
5/15/2007 12:07:50 PM

I am stunned
5/14/2007 9:13:35 PM

5/13/2007 2:55:40 PM

Here comes the rain...
4/24/2007 11:52:32 AM

This is still in testing...
4/20/2007 9:03:58 PM

4/20/2007 3:15:30 PM

Proof that it's working...for the time being...
4/18/2007 3:46:36 PM

I hope I'm not speaking too soon...
4/18/2007 2:45:03 PM

Still toying with hardware...
4/17/2007 10:53:13 PM

Back for a bit
4/17/2007 5:33:08 PM

Doing computer maintenance
4/17/2007 12:42:04 PM

Wasted days
4/10/2007 4:38:11 PM

This shouldn't be rocket science
3/29/2007 9:49:00 PM

CatCam Gadget on the way
3/20/2007 8:12:48 PM

Digitizing your life is nice...
3/20/2007 7:22:48 AM

Monday Mumblings
3/19/2007 11:29:10 AM

A fast update
3/8/2007 10:06:27 PM

And the fun just doesn't stop!
3/7/2007 3:35:53 PM

Are we having fun, yet?
3/6/2007 5:11:50 PM

CatCam Gadget, anyone?
2/28/2007 10:33:22 PM

2/28/2007 10:29:11 PM

Weekend Assignment - When Computers Attack
2/23/2007 9:09:51 PM

2/23/2007 7:14:26 PM

More Vista Madness
2/20/2007 9:35:33 AM

A new Vista
2/19/2007 11:03:15 AM

Wish me luck...
2/17/2007 10:15:03 AM

2/16/2007 10:50:35 AM

1/18/2007 9:55:04 AM

The ice cometh not, man
1/14/2007 11:35:13 AM

One small victory...
12/20/2006 3:52:58 PM

12/16/2006 10:08:41 PM

Friday the 13th
10/13/2006 9:05:39 AM

It's rant day - with a few good things thrown in.
10/10/2006 9:40:27 AM

So close...
8/27/2006 11:55:45 AM

Monday Mumblings
8/7/2006 9:31:40 AM

6/22/2006 9:14:31 PM

Monday Mumblings
6/19/2006 12:43:01 PM

Day of relaxation? What's that?
6/17/2006 10:56:41 PM

Freaky Friday
6/16/2006 9:36:52 PM

Busy day
6/15/2006 2:53:37 PM

More phone scam charges
6/14/2006 4:33:28 PM

The phone upgrade saga
6/10/2006 9:44:43 PM

A little catching up...maybe
6/7/2006 4:53:17 PM

What a day!
6/6/2006 6:58:56 PM

And there was much rejoicing!
6/5/2006 10:57:15 PM

Where has barrettmanor.com been?
6/2/2006 10:24:20 AM

We're back!!!
6/1/2006 10:25:34 PM

Singin' the early adopter blues
4/28/2006 9:59:51 AM

The never ending battles
5/30/2006 9:48:07 AM

Monday Mumblings
4/24/2006 9:47:44 AM

Some days...
4/4/2006 9:46:26 AM

Monday Mumblings
5/30/2006 9:38:17 AM

Looking at things in a different light, of sorts
5/30/2006 9:38:08 AM

Is the week over, yet?
4/11/2006 9:37:27 AM

Monday Mumblings
4/10/2006 9:26:21 AM

E-mail issues and the new Deadline Of Doom (TM)
4/9/2006 9:26:10 AM

4/6/2006 9:25:30 AM

Still a busy week
5/30/2006 9:24:40 AM

Picture o' the day
4/4/2006 9:24:27 AM

Picture o' the day
3/28/2006 9:24:13 AM

Test journal is up
3/19/2006 7:45:00 PM

The rain it raineth
3/19/2006 8:29:00 AM

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
3/17/2006 6:22:00 AM

Patches? You may need those steenkin' patches!
3/14/2006 8:16:00 PM

Going crazy, one step at a time
3/14/2006 6:42:00 AM

Monday mumblings
3/13/2006 6:40:00 AM

Fun day shaping up...
3/8/2006 8:56:00 AM

Quick post before bed
3/7/2006 8:29:00 PM

3/7/2006 4:49:00 PM

Picture gallery is back!
3/6/2006 11:49:00 AM

Monday mumblings
3/6/2006 7:28:00 AM

Virtual jet lag
2/28/2006 7:14:00 AM

Hoo Boy!
2/27/2006 12:01:00 PM

Short entry
2/22/2006 6:29:00 AM

Rainy days and Tuesdays
2/21/2006 6:58:00 AM

Are we having fun, yet?
1/25/2006 6:15:00 AM

Watch out for this threat
1/14/2006 8:28:00 AM

Catching up on a few things
1/11/2006 6:20:00 AM

You need the steenkin patches
1/10/2006 4:50:00 PM

WMF patch released
1/5/2006 5:32:00 PM

Year-end wrap-up
12/31/2005 12:14:00 PM

I hate spam!
12/30/2005 3:04:00 PM

Cue the angelic chorus
12/16/2005 6:45:00 AM

Monday mumblings
12/12/2005 6:10:00 AM

If empty please try again
Events and Appearances:
Looks like I don't have any events on the horizon. Contact me to have attend yours!
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