Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Damn and blast! This article got eaten in the Great Database Glitch of '06.

The summary was:

Monday Mumblings - I ache therefore I am

This was after we put the set for Return With Us Now... together. Paul and I had spent a few days making some backdrops to use at the show - PVC frames with curtains. They all collapse and go into a bag. How nice.

Then there was a visitor to the stage:

Baby tarantua

Just a baby, but wow!

Filed under: Life               


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deslily said:
gawd I hate spiders! lol.. the sight of that one would have sent me out of there faster then lightening!.. and would NOT return! lol.. when i lived in florida there was a huge spider that would show up on ceilings.. they called them "sand spiders" and they were HUGE! talk about some sleepless nights!! I had a cat that would spot it and watch it constantly.. which let me know it wasn't on the floor somewhere! gross gross gross lol.. i got the chills just writing about it! lol
Date: 5/30/2006 7:39:37 PM Date: 5/30/2006 7:39:37 PM

deslily said:
gawd I hate spiders! lol.. the sight of that one would have sent me out of there faster then lightening!.. and would NOT return! lol.. when i lived in florida there was a huge spider that would show up on ceilings.. they called them "sand spiders" and they were HUGE! talk about some sleepless nights!! I had a cat that would spot it and watch it constantly.. which let me know it wasn't on the floor somewhere! gross gross gross lol.. i got the chills just writing about it! lol
Date: 5/30/2006 7:39:37 PM Date: 5/30/2006 7:39:37 PM

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