Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Weekend assignment

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, August 30, 2007

The assignment: Present three facts about yourself. Have two of them be true. Have one of them be false. Encourage people to guess which one is the false one.

Let's see. What can I say?

1. Back in my deep, dark past I used to work in Christian radio. Dark? I think I was supposed to see the light or something.

2. There's no business like show business, and once I was an extra in a Star Trek: Enterprise episode. I look bad in red, but hey, it was a paycheck.

3. I once had a beer with Leonard Nimoy. He was not Spock.

The lie actually has a teeny grain of truth to it. I suspect Karen knows the answer. But how 'bout the rest of you? Yes, both of you! Which is the lie? I'll address the dearth of comments on Monday. Because you know, I do have a bit of pride. Somewhere. It may be in the top dresser drawer. I'd better go check.

Have you lied about something today (aside from the Weekend Assignment)?. No. I've been stuck at the computer and the sewing machine for most of the day. The day is young, and there's still time for phone solicitors to call and ruin my evening. They get what they deserve.

Filed under: Weekend Assignment            


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Tara said:
Ohhh hmmm, they all sound credible.. I was a trekkie back in the day, far days away so I commend you on either accomplishment as one of them has to be the truth.. Hmmm okay I'm a go with 1 cause its the odd one out of the bunch... Tara
Date: 8/30/2007 9:11:39 PM Date: 8/30/2007 9:11:39 PM

Carly said:
Hi Julie :) Goodness... I think I will pick #3. I don't know, these were tough. All sound completely plausable. :) Can't wait to read your follow up entry on Monday! :)
Date: 9/1/2007 3:51:37 AM Date: 9/1/2007 3:51:37 AM

lisa said:
Oh Lordy. I am good at detecting fibs when looking at the person, but this is hard. Carly is correct in saying all three are plausable. I am going to say #3 also.
Date: 9/1/2007 9:38:03 PM Date: 9/1/2007 9:38:03 PM

Karen Funk Blocher said:
I totally believe 1 and 3, and strangly suspect the grain o' truth is that your "extra" turn was actually at either the Star Trek attraction at Universal or the Star Trek Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton.
Date: 9/3/2007 6:15:07 PM Date: 9/3/2007 6:15:07 PM

Tara said:
Ohhh hmmm, they all sound credible.. I was a trekkie back in the day, far days away so I commend you on either accomplishment as one of them has to be the truth.. Hmmm okay I'm a go with 1 cause its the odd one out of the bunch... Tara
Date: 8/30/2007 9:11:39 PM Date: 8/30/2007 9:11:39 PM

Carly said:
Hi Julie :) Goodness... I think I will pick #3. I don't know, these were tough. All sound completely plausable. :) Can't wait to read your follow up entry on Monday! :)
Date: 9/1/2007 3:51:37 AM Date: 9/1/2007 3:51:37 AM

lisa said:
Oh Lordy. I am good at detecting fibs when looking at the person, but this is hard. Carly is correct in saying all three are plausable. I am going to say #3 also.
Date: 9/1/2007 9:38:03 PM Date: 9/1/2007 9:38:03 PM

Karen Funk Blocher said:
I totally believe 1 and 3, and strangly suspect the grain o' truth is that your "extra" turn was actually at either the Star Trek attraction at Universal or the Star Trek Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton.
Date: 9/3/2007 6:15:07 PM Date: 9/3/2007 6:15:07 PM

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