Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

My contribution to global warming

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, October 4, 2007

I have spent the week in menopausal hell. Today has been little more than one big hot flash. Oh, I've been drinking plenty of water, plus I'm taking black cohosh root. Plus, I'm getting as much exercise as my knee will allow. Right now that means bowling on Wednesday and spending the next six days in agony, but I can tell that it's getting better. I just have to resist the urge to do more than I should. Right now I'm dying to go to the State Fair. I'm ready to roam the grounds and shoot pictures, but it's hard when I'm hobbling around with a bum knee.

But I digress. The topic was global warming.

Yes, I seem to be putting out an amazing amount of heat - and so are many of my friends. Unlike our mothers, we're not too keen on Hormone Replacement Therapy. I know we're not the only ones in this boat. Imagine if you will, millions of menopausal women refusing to go on HRT. Whatever you do, don't send us to the polar ice cap!

Yeah, it's my crackpot theory, and I'm stickin' to it! ;-)

Filed under: Pseudoscience            


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