Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Weekend Assignment: Breakfast

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, November 21, 2008

This week's topic: What do you like to eat for breakfast?

Well, there's a matter of what I like to eat, and what I should be eating. Most mornings it's the latter, meaning a bowl of "good for you" cereal. High-fiber, low-sugar, that sort of thing.

And let's not forget the coffee. I used to not be able to stand the stuff, but I learned to like it about a decade ago.

And then there's Friday, when all pretense of what's good for me flies out the window and Chris and I head to Starbucks. There, I have a tall mocha (not the nonfat one) and either a brownie or banana nut bread. Here's this morning's repast in all its fuzzy cameraphone glory:

Coffee! on TwitPic

The food was NOT green, and it tasted good.

I justify the expense in two ways. First, it's a reward for getting through a week of working at home, away from most human contact. Second, it's a little bonding time with the teenager. I'm glad that mine actually WANTS to spend some time with me. (And not just because I buy him coffee.)

Extra credit: How often do you actually eat breakfast?

Most mornings. I find that if I eat that "good for me" fiber-licious bowl of cereal I'm less likely to raid the fridge when I should be working.


Filed under: Weekend Assignment            


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Karen Funk Blocher said:
Your Friday ritual sounds like a good one, especially for the time with Chris. Is that banana bread, then?
Date: 11/21/2008 2:47:40 PM Date: 11/21/2008 2:47:40 PM

Julie said:
Yes, that was the banana nut bread. We have the espresso brownies when they're in stock. I refuse to even think of the calorie count. We spend the rest of Friday mornings running errands, so I'd like to think I work it off. ;-)
Date: 11/21/2008 2:53:52 PM Date: 11/21/2008 2:53:52 PM

Karen Funk Blocher said:
Your Friday ritual sounds like a good one, especially for the time with Chris. Is that banana bread, then?
Date: 11/21/2008 2:47:40 PM Date: 11/21/2008 2:47:40 PM

Julie said:
Yes, that was the banana nut bread. We have the espresso brownies when they're in stock. I refuse to even think of the calorie count. We spend the rest of Friday mornings running errands, so I'd like to think I work it off. ;-)
Date: 11/21/2008 2:53:52 PM Date: 11/21/2008 2:53:52 PM

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