Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Weekend Assignment: Predict the future!

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, April 17, 2009

Predict one, two or three things you expect to happen (or so you claim!) before 2009 is over. It can be a logical extrapolation from current conditions, wish fulfillment, an attempt to show off your psychic ability, if any, or random silliness, or some combination thereof.

I'm not psychic, though I down own a cheap set of Tarot cards which I purchased because a character in a book I'm outlining reads some. I figured I'd better know what I was talking about when it came time to sit down and write.

So, I'm going to shuffle up the cards (The Fool is on top right now, which suggests something), deal out a few, and give you my interpretation of each. And just to make things interesting, the text on the cards is in French, so I can't guarantee I'll get it all right:

Six of Wands: In my deck they look like tree branches, or logs, probably symbolizing the number of branches that will fall off the ancient cottonwood tree in the front yard when the next round of storms moves through tonight.

Queen of Cups: Just when I think I've found the object I need, I'll discover that it's only a grail-shaped beacon. Pity that. I don't think I'll stick around for the spankings, though.

The King: I can reasonably well predict that I won't be cleaning the cat box this weekend, which means I won't have sh*t all over me. That is until Monday, when it's due for a good scrubbing.

The Force: Will be with me. Or won't, depending on the next card I draw, which is...

The Pope: So the foolish Jedi religion means nothing. Oh, well.

Extra Credit: Have you ever predicted something unlikely, and turned out to be right?

I suppose I've made the occasional wild guess. I had a dream once that turned out sorta true, and it was pretty darned bizarre - at least at the time. I had a dream that my car got smashed in a particular intersection on the way to work. The next morning, traffic was backed up at the intersection. There was a car, the same make, model, and color as mine, smashed pretty much like mine was in the dream.  I was freaked out for the rest of the morning. Rationally speaking, though, that's a dangerous intersection and I drive a popular car. That particular intersection was worrisome as commuter traffic was awful and there was a high incidence of red light running. So it was bound to happen, but it was odd that my worries coincided with that particular accident. And yes, everyone appeared to be unhurt. Couldn't say the same about the vehicles involved, though.

So there ya go.

One more card... Seven of Cups. You know, the son is over the yardarm, but I don't drink THAT much.


Filed under: Weekend Assignment            


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Karen Funk Blocher said:
You silly English-type person! And now I'm wondering where my old 1JJ deck is....

Date: 4/24/2009 7:29:28 AM Date: 4/24/2009 7:29:28 AM

Karen Funk Blocher said:
You silly English-type person! And now I'm wondering where my old 1JJ deck is....

Date: 4/24/2009 7:29:28 AM Date: 4/24/2009 7:29:28 AM

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