Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Weekend Assignment: Environmental Awareness

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, April 24, 2009

A lot has changed since 1970, when the first Earth Day took place and had an unexpectedly large impact. In the current, uh, climate of global warming, eco-friendly marketing and recent attempts to gut environmental protections, how much of an effort do you make in your daily routine to help protect the environment?

I grew up camping and fishing. As a result of that, environmental awareness was part of my upbringing. Therefore, the idea of hugging a tree every year on a particular day seemed ... odd. Oh, I understand the idea behind Earth Day, but it seems like a lot of hype from my particular perspective.

So, yes. We dropped a truckload of money (that we're still paying, but that's another rant) on a more energy efficient A/C and heating system. We have the curly bulbs. We practically burst our curbside recycle bin every two weeks. We don't compost (it's something I have trouble keeping up with), but we make sure our tree and lawn clippings get properly gift wrapped for the city compost. I have allergies, so I'm big on natural cleaning and laundry products.

In addition, we're proud to say that we live in a city that has embraced green living. they even had Ed Begley, Jr. in town last weekend for their annual green living event. Hey, it worked. They drew a huge crowd. We have two electronics recycling events every month. The city lets the recycler pass their charges along to the residents, but they're fairly nominal: generally fifteen cents a pound.

I'm not perfect. I often forget to haul the reusable bags back to the store with me. I do, however, forego a bag at stores anytime I can. I run the air conditioner way too much, but the alternative is an asthma attack due to pollution or allergies. That's one reason we bought a system that uses less power. (I will not rant about Texas electric bills, I will not rant...)

So there ya go.


Filed under: Weekend Assignment            


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Karen Funk Blocher said:
Well, I'm impressed! You've mentioned a few things here that I didn't even think of, and you do way more than I do.

Our house is full of broken and outdated electronics. I really should check into where we can take them besides Goodwill, which can't really use them.

Date: 4/24/2009 9:54:50 PM Date: 4/24/2009 9:54:50 PM

Karen Funk Blocher said:
Well, I'm impressed! You've mentioned a few things here that I didn't even think of, and you do way more than I do.

Our house is full of broken and outdated electronics. I really should check into where we can take them besides Goodwill, which can't really use them.

Date: 4/24/2009 9:54:50 PM Date: 4/24/2009 9:54:50 PM

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