Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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Lightning Achievement Unlocked!
I've been hoping for years to get a lightning photo. Any photo would do - I just wanted to capture a lightning bolt.

Tonight was the night. And I'm glad I wasn't out for perfection or I'd never have gotten the shot. I was in the car at a traffic light with my cell phone. So yes, it's not the best quality, but I'm really happy to have done it!

Lightning Bolt Over Suburbia...
5/8/2024 9:11:26 PM
Continuing to Update the Amazon/BookSurge Story

You'll find updates here.

And now the story has been slashdotted.

Now that I've had some time to digest this news, I have mixed feelings. Most folks who buy books from small publishers and self-publishers will go where the publisher or author tells them to go. On the other hand, Amazon is the 500-pound gorilla in the online bookselling world. Borders is powered ...

3/30/2008 11:17:41 AM
Amazon Sticks it to Some POD Publishers

(Note: I'll update this story as I get more information. Updates will be at the bottom, or click the link in the previous sentence.)

Amazon.com seems to be giving the brush-off to Print On Demand publishers that do not use their BookSurge service. Writers Weekly (their publisher also also owns POD press BookLocker.com) has this to say on the topic.

3/28/2008 9:49:33 AM
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Lightning Achievement Unlocked!
5/8/2024 9:11:26 PM

Continuing to Update the Amazon/BookSurge Story
3/30/2008 11:17:41 AM

Amazon Sticks it to Some POD Publishers
3/28/2008 9:49:33 AM

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