Gravatar Antonette said:
I am sorry that you are getting severe weather. And even though I am a huge weather buff, I don't like to see humans and animals in harms way. Excellent cloud formation. Great pic!
Date: 5/3/2007 10:17:26 PM

Gravatar ally said:
even though, i love my weather right now. i know that we are still under on rainfall. unfortunately, everyone still uses water like it is still going to be there tomorrow. but, no one is really looking down the line.
Date: 5/6/2007 9:25:18 PM

Gravatar Antonette said:
I am sorry that you are getting severe weather. And even though I am a huge weather buff, I don't like to see humans and animals in harms way. Excellent cloud formation. Great pic!
Date: 5/3/2007 10:17:26 PM

Gravatar ally said:
even though, i love my weather right now. i know that we are still under on rainfall. unfortunately, everyone still uses water like it is still going to be there tomorrow. but, no one is really looking down the line.
Date: 5/6/2007 9:25:18 PM


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