Gravatar Karen Funk Blocher said:
I'm trying to move to Thursday nights starting next week, but for this week you're fine.

Fish! I remember having fish. I used to have nightmares (after stepping on a corydoras that jumped out when I was out of town overnight) that the fish were swimming around the room in midair, and I had to catch them and get them back in the tank before they suffocated. Fish stress!


Date: 2/5/2010 3:40:11 AM

Gravatar Karen Funk Blocher said:
I'm trying to move to Thursday nights starting next week, but for this week you're fine.

Fish! I remember having fish. I used to have nightmares (after stepping on a corydoras that jumped out when I was out of town overnight) that the fish were swimming around the room in midair, and I had to catch them and get them back in the tank before they suffocated. Fish stress!


Date: 2/5/2010 3:40:11 AM


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