Gravatar Linnea said:
Glad your eye is going to be okay. I got shingles in September (that's when the chcken pox virus travels up your nerve endings to drive you nuts) The left side of my face swole up, my left eye swole up and I had blisters all over the left side of my forehead and face and scalp. What a sight. But worst of all was my poor old eye. I lost my eyesight after about 3 weeks but my opthalmologist kept me on antiviral drugs and steroid drops. Slowly my vision began clearing but there was still a lot of swelling behind my eye so my eyesight wasn't great. Only a couple of days ago I felt the swelling start to reduce. Yeah! I'm optimistic of a full recovery. Hope yours heals up fine too.
Date: 2/8/2013 4:31:42 PM

Gravatar Linnea said:
Glad your eye is going to be okay. I got shingles in September (that's when the chcken pox virus travels up your nerve endings to drive you nuts) The left side of my face swole up, my left eye swole up and I had blisters all over the left side of my forehead and face and scalp. What a sight. But worst of all was my poor old eye. I lost my eyesight after about 3 weeks but my opthalmologist kept me on antiviral drugs and steroid drops. Slowly my vision began clearing but there was still a lot of swelling behind my eye so my eyesight wasn't great. Only a couple of days ago I felt the swelling start to reduce. Yeah! I'm optimistic of a full recovery. Hope yours heals up fine too.
Date: 2/8/2013 4:31:42 PM


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