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In The Sweet Bye And Bye Columbia Mixed Quartette 1
A Garden In The Rain Gene Austin192915
A Rainbow on the Cloud Homer A. Rodeheaver191715
A Thousand Years Columbia Mixed Quartette 1
Abide With Me Marie Tiffany & Elizabeth Lennox19201
After All Henry Burr 15
Ain't Misbehavin' Gene Austin19292
All Erin is Calling Mavourneen Charles Harrison191625
Almost Persuaded Harry Macdonough, Percy Hemus19131
Almost Persuaded Marie Tiffany & Elizabeth Lennox19201
Aloha Land Helen Louise and Frank Ferra19177
Always Regent Club Orchestra192615
American Eagle March Prince's Band19173
American Patrol Columbia Saxophone Sextette191611
And Then I Lauged Cal Stewart190718
Anvil Chrous Victor Orchestra19148
Are you From Heaven? Prince's Orchestra 13
At Sundown   16
Auld Scotch Sangs Sir Harry Lauder19176
Avalon Al Jolson192022
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere Collegiate Choir191915
Beautiful Ohio Waldorf Astoria Dance Orchestra19184
Blue Bird Prince's Orchestra 13
BO-LA-BO Ted Lewis Jazz Band19202
Breezin' Along With the Breeze Johnny Marvin192615
By The Campfire Sterling Trio191913
Call of A Nation Columbia Saxophone Sextette191611
Carolina Sunshine Sterling Trio191919
Cecilia Jack Smith192515
Chong (He Come from Hong Kong) Columbia Saxophone Quartette191716
Claudia Howard Kopp191616
Clover Land Howard Kopp191618
Comin' Thro' the Rye Master Claude Isaacs191725
Cunha Medley Pale K. Lua and David Kaili of the Irene West Royal Hawaiians19157
Dardanella Selvin's Novelty Orchestra19192
Dawn of To-morrow Mc Alpin Dance Orchestra 4
Defend America Prince's Band19173
Don't Cry Frenchy, Don't Cry Lewis James191915
Down The Trail To Home Sweet Home Henry Burr192015
Dream Mother Gene Austin19298
Dreaming of Home, Sweet Home Sterling Trio191815
El Capitan March Prince's Band 3
Emaline Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra19212
Emmet's Cuckoo Song Frank Kamplain192020
Everything Is Peaches Down in Georgia Sterling Trio191815
Face to Face Henry Burr19071
Face to Face Percy Hemus19091
Forge in the Forest Arthur Pryor's Band19148
Forgive Me Lord Homer Rodeheaver19251
General Pershing March Prince's Orchestra 3
Golden Gate (Open For Me) Charles Hart, Elliott Shaw191915
Golden Slippers Vernon Dalhart192713
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Henry Burr190724
Hawaii And You James Reed & James F. Harrison 13
Hawaii I'm Lonesome For You Helen Louise, Frank Ferera with the Athenian Mandolin Quartet19177
Head Over Heels Medley Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra19192
Hebrew Melody and Dance Efram Zimbalist19129
Heidelberg Stein Song Columbia Stellar Quartette191515
Hello Baby Johnny Marvin192615
Hello, Aloha, Hello Henry Burr and Albert Campbell19177
Hello, America, Hello Jazarimba Orchestra 16
Hold The Fort The Chautauqua Preachers' Quartette19141
Honolulu Bay Frank Ferera and Anthony Franchini19287
How Can You Say Goodbye Irving & Jack Kaufman191915
How Firm a Foundation Trinity Choir19091
Huckleberry Finn Prince's Band191715
Hula Medley Pale K. Lua and David Kaili of the Irene West Royal Hawaiians19157
Humming The Happy Six19202
Humouresque Efram Zimbalist19129
Hwaiian Medley Two-Step Helen Louise and Frank Ferra19167
I Can't See The Good In Good-Bye Lewis James191915
I Love You Just The Same, Sweet Adeline Peerless Quartette191915
If I'm Not at the Roll Call (Kiss Mother Good-bye For Me) Campbell and Burr191811
I'm Always Chasing Rainbows - Medley Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra19192
I'm Knee Deep in Daisies (And Head Over Heels in Love) Jack Smith192515
In A Boat - Medley The Happy Six19212
In A Little Garden The Troubadours 15
In My Tippy Canoe Prince's Dance Orchestra 4
In The Garden Mrs. Wm. Asher - Homer Rodeheaver19161
Ireland Must be Heaven for My Mother Came from There Charles Harrison191615
Ireland My Sireland Vernon Styles191713
Is Everybody Happy Now Harry Bidgood And His Broadcasters 2
It's Long Way To Dear Old Broadway Prince's Band 13
It's a Long Way to Berlin, But We'll Get There Arthur Fields191711
Just Like Darby and Joan Harry Bidgood And His Broadcasters 4
Just Like the Rose Lewis James and Charles Harrison191915
Keep the Home Fires Burning Till the Boys Come Home Reed Miller & Frederick Wheeler191511
La Paloma Tocado Por La Orquesta Mexicana De Curti 17
Let the Rest of the World Go By Campbell and Burr191915
Liza Williams and Van Alstyne 25
Madam Butterfly Guido Deiro 13
Mammy O' Mine Sterling Trio191715
Mary of Argyle Sir Harry Lauder19166
Maybe We'll Meet Again Peter Darrell193415
Memories for the Fireside pt. 1 Bob and Alf Pearson 13
Memories for the Fireside pt. 2 Bob and Alf Pearson 13
Midnight Rose The Benson Orchestra of Chicago19232
Muslin Rag Prince's Band 13
My Blue Mountan Home Vernon Dalhart - Carson Robison192720
My Florence Guido Deiro191215
My Isle of Golden Dreams Selvin's Novelty Orchestra19194
My Little Sunshine Charles Harrison191915
My Rose Of Waikiki Henry Burr and Albert Campbell19177
My Wild Irish Rose Columbia Stellar Quartette191515
National Emblem March Prince's Band19163
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine John Phillip Sousa's Band19033
Now And Then The Happy Six19202
Old Pal, Why Don't You Answer Me? Henry Burr192015
On the Road To Happiness Samuel Ash191515
One Sweet Solemn Thought Elizabeth Lennox and John Young192215
Over the Rainbow Trail Wendell Hall192525
Over There Enrico Caruso191711
Palm Branches Baritone and Tenor Duet190815
Pasadena Day March Prince's Orchestra 3
Patches Art Hickman's Orchestra19192
Patriotic Medley Pt. 1 Columbia Stellar Quartette191711
Patriotic Medley Pt. 2 Columbia Stellar Quartette191711
Peace of Mind Gene Austin192915
Play to the Gypsy Malcom Desmond 13
Poor Butterfly Guido Deiro 13
Remember Prince's Dance Orchestra 13
RINGS Lewis James and Charles Harrison191915
Roman' in the Gloamin' Sir Henry Lauder192113
Romola Frank Ferera and Anthony Franchini19287
Rondino (On a theme by Beethoven) Fritz Kreisler19169
Santiago Waltz Columbia Orchestra19024
Serenade Jesse Crawford192415
Serenade - Les Millions D'Arlequin Guido Deiro19168
Shall We Meet Beyond the River Harry Macdonough, Percy Hemus19131
Silver Moon Frank Kamplain192020
Silver Threads Among The Gold Taylor Trio191616
Sing Me Love's Lullaby Wheeler Wadsworth191816
Sing! Sing! Bird's on the Wing Master Claude Isaacs191725
Sleep Little Baby of Mine Lucy Gates 13
So Long Mother Columbia Quartette191711
Somebody Cares Homer A. Rodeheaver191715
Somewhere A Voice Is Calling Fred Allen193015
Somewhere A Voice Is Calling Grace Kerns & Herbert Stuart19151
Somewhere A Voice Is Calling Jesse Crawford192415
Somewhere In France is The Lily Prince's Band191717
Son O' Mine Lucy Gates 13
Sphinx March Prince's Orchestra 3
Stars and Stripes Forever Prince's Band 3
Sweet And Low Art Hickman's Orchestra19194
Sweet Genevieve Taylor Trio191616
Swingin' Vine Sophie Braslau192113
Tell All the Folks in Kentucky (I'm Coming Home) Charles Dornberger and his Orchestra, Vernon Dalhart (Vocal)19232
Tell Mother I'll Be there Henry Burr19071
That Wonderful Mother Of Mine Henry Burr191915
The Battle In The Air Peerless Quartette19184
The Bee/Minute Waltz Maud Powell19119
The Dauntless Batallion John Phillip Sousa's Band19233
The Girl Who Smiles Prince's Orchestra 4
The Gypsy's Warning Harry McClaskey191515
The Irish Have a Great Day To-night Vernon Stiles and the Columbia Stellar Quartette191715
The Love Nest (From Mary) Frank Crumit192015
The Mocking Bird Chas. D'Almaine190516
The Old Rugged Cross Mrs. William Asher - Homer Rodeheaver19251
The Preacher and the Bear Arthur Collins190822
The Radiance In Your Eyes Wheeler Wadsworth191816
The Ridgeway Parade, Pt. 1 A Music Hall In The 90's193523
The Ridgeway Parade, Pt. 2 A Music Hall In The 90's193523
The Submarine Attack At Sea Peerless Quartette191811
The Sunshine of Your Smile Fred Allen193015
The Sympathy Waltz (Just a Bit of Sympathy) Regent Club Orchestra19264
The Thunderer March Prince's Band 3
The Wayside Cross The Chautauqua Preachers' Quartette19141
The Wee Hoose 'Mang the Heather Sir Harry Lauder19216
There's Egypt In Your Dreamy Eyes George Wilson 13
They'll Be Mighty Proud In Dixie Of Their Old Black Joe Campbell and Burr191811
Three Sioux Scouts, Part 1 Ernest Thompson Seton 13
Three Sioux Scouts, Part 2 Ernest Thompson Seton 13
'Till The Clouds Roll By Prince's Band191715
Till We Meet Again Campbell and Burr191815
Till We Meet Again Nicholas Orlando's Orchestra19194
Turkey In The Straw Jazarimba Orchestra 16
Two Jolly Sailors Porter and Harlan191318
Under the Irish Moon Byron G. Harlan 25
Underneath The Weeping Willow   16
Unknown  13
Unless Peter Darrell193415
Venetian Moon Kentucky Serenaders19202
Wailana Waltz Helen Louise and Frank Ferra19167
Wait Till The Cows Come Home Prince's Band191715
Waiting - Medley Columbia Saxophone Quartette19192
When I'm Gone You'll Soon Forget Peerless Quarttete192019
When The World Forgets Homer Rodeheaver19161
When You And I Were Young Maggie Harry McClaskey191515
Where The Lanterns Glow Campbell and Burr191918
Whispering Hope Grace Kerns & Mildred Potter19151
Who Stole the Chickens Golden and Hughes192022
You'll Never Realize Malcom Desmond 13
Your Shining Eyes Wendell Hall192525
