Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Round Robin Challenge - Nature

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This week's Round Robin challenge is is Nature and was suggested by Gina of Gina's Space.

I had planned to go through my archive of pictures until I found a bit of nature in my backyard:

High Tech DoveHigh Tech Dove Hosted on Zooomr

This dove has built a nest on top of the FiOS box on the side of our house. (FiOS is a fiber-optic broadband Internet, phone and TV service. Use the search box on the main journal page if you want to read more.)

And yes, there are eggs!

Dove NestDove Nest Hosted on Zooomr

No, I took care not to touch the nest or the eggs, though I did worry about the wind gusts. I'll be keeping an eye on the nest and perhaps I'll get lucky enough to get a shot of the hatchlings.

Nesting doveNesting dove Hosted on Zooomr

Look! She was back on the nest the next morning!

Check out the other Robins! Linking list:

Gina's Space

Karen Outpost Mâvarin

Nancy Luvs Pics

Fond Of Snape

Kerrin - POSTED!
A New Day, A New Photo

Carly - POSTED!
Ellipsis... Suddenly Carly

The Light's On...But No One's Home

Suzanne R - POSTED!
New Suzanne R's Life

boliyou - POSTED!


Meg ****Welcome New Member****
In Quest Of


Through The Eyes Of The Beholder

Gattina - POSTED!
Keyhole Pictures

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Filed under: Pictures   Round Robin Photo         


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Steven said:
Wow! I always thought they nested on ground. She's a lovely bird. Have fun watching the eggs!
Date: 3/21/2007 10:18:17 PM Date: 3/21/2007 10:18:17 PM

Karen Funk Blocher said:
Y'know, I see doves all the time, but never on a nest for some reason. And I don't think I've ever seen eggs in a nest,much less photographed them. What a find! Back to eating worms now....
Date: 3/21/2007 11:47:45 PM Date: 3/21/2007 11:47:45 PM

Carly said:
No worries darlin... Blogger burps once in a while. I have had a bit of trouble with comments as well. Your entry is so pretty. I would love to come across a bird's nest. I used to have a pair of California Songbirds that nested just above my balcony. I was amazing to watch. :) Lovely entry Julie!
Date: 3/22/2007 3:47:01 AM Date: 3/22/2007 3:47:01 AM

Suzanne R said:
Those are wonderful photos. I haven't seen any bird nests around my place but I think I need to keep my eyes open more. (I did start leaving my garage door shut so the starlings wouldn't nest in it this year.) Great job!
Date: 3/22/2007 1:52:53 PM Date: 3/22/2007 1:52:53 PM

gina said:
these are beautiful! what fun to be able to watch and wait for the babies to hatch. :)
Date: 3/22/2007 10:56:35 PM Date: 3/22/2007 10:56:35 PM

Steven said:
Wow! I always thought they nested on ground. She's a lovely bird. Have fun watching the eggs!
Date: 3/21/2007 10:18:17 PM Date: 3/21/2007 10:18:17 PM

Karen Funk Blocher said:
Y'know, I see doves all the time, but never on a nest for some reason. And I don't think I've ever seen eggs in a nest,much less photographed them. What a find! Back to eating worms now....
Date: 3/21/2007 11:47:45 PM Date: 3/21/2007 11:47:45 PM

Carly said:
No worries darlin... Blogger burps once in a while. I have had a bit of trouble with comments as well. Your entry is so pretty. I would love to come across a bird's nest. I used to have a pair of California Songbirds that nested just above my balcony. I was amazing to watch. :) Lovely entry Julie!
Date: 3/22/2007 3:47:01 AM Date: 3/22/2007 3:47:01 AM

Suzanne R said:
Those are wonderful photos. I haven't seen any bird nests around my place but I think I need to keep my eyes open more. (I did start leaving my garage door shut so the starlings wouldn't nest in it this year.) Great job!
Date: 3/22/2007 1:52:53 PM Date: 3/22/2007 1:52:53 PM

gina said:
these are beautiful! what fun to be able to watch and wait for the babies to hatch. :)
Date: 3/22/2007 10:56:35 PM Date: 3/22/2007 10:56:35 PM

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