Fresh when it gets here from
Julie Barrett
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Give us a picture of many things alike -- and one thing not.
Oh, I am SO gonna be in trouble for this one:

Chris was six months old at the time and definitely going through his Winston Churchill phase.
I have a huge collection of teddy bears. A friend knew of someone who had a large collection of stuffed animals, and he thought it would be great fun to pose the kid amongst said plush creatures. He was single at the time, so his enthusiasm could be forgiven.
Oh, we did have a good time, but Chris was singularly unimpressed with his surroundings. That might have made for a better shot as he had the same vacant, glassy-eyed stare of his furry compadres. I have to wonder what was going through his mind. Most likely he was thinking about how he was being scarred for life.
And here's the picture taken eighteen years later to prove it:

That's my boy.
Tags: Monday Photo Shoot