Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

2008 Challenge Week 9

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Under Construction

This is the new elementary school under construction in our neighborhood. It's being built on the same lot as the old school, which dates back to 1964. That building has been renovated and enlarged several times. The school district decided that since the school sits on a rather large lot that there is just enough room to erect a new building while they continue to hold classes at the old building.

(And yes, those are two different colors of bricks. One is a tad, erm, "bright," but I don't think it'll take long for the Texas sun to fade the color, which is probably part of the plan.)

As much as I hate to see old buildings go down, this is one instance where I do agree with the school board. My son spent six years (K-5) at that school, and I know the layout well enough to understand that further expansion done properly would cost so much that they may as well start over with a new building.

One thing that makes me very happy is that they've worked to save as many trees as possible. They've had to take a few down in order to make the new building fit on the lot, but those trees you see in the foreground are part of a small park that has been there since the school was built. Right now all the grass, picnic tables, and play equipment is gone, but the crews are maneuvering their equipment around the trees. I'm sure they'll replant the grass and restore the equipment once this is over.

The new school is scheduled to open this fall.


Filed under: 2008 Challenge            


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