Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Feline, Furball, and Feathers Friday!

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, January 16, 2009

Yes, the F's keep multiplying! As long as they're good F's, right? ;-)

This week, we have Midnight waiting on the next load of laundry:

Midnight on the Bed

She'll have a long wait. The laundry is done. Of course, she could be waiting for Paul to go assume the position for the evening. That means he stretches out on the bed to read, at which point Midnight will crawl on top of him. It's early yet, so she has a long wait.

To join in the Feline Friday fun, visit Steven's (sometimes)photoblog.

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Filed under: Pictures   Cats   Feline Friday      


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Suzanne R said:
She looks very patient.  I still marvel at her coloring.  It is so beautiful!
Date: 1/17/2009 12:57:19 PM Date: 1/17/2009 12:57:19 PM

Suzanne R said:
She looks very patient.  I still marvel at her coloring.  It is so beautiful!
Date: 1/17/2009 12:57:19 PM Date: 1/17/2009 12:57:19 PM

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