Bye, Bye Buy Buttons!
Fresh when it gets here from
Julie Barrett
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Amazonfail continues. Business Week (among other places) reports that Amazon is in negotiations with several publishers over Kindle pricing. They've set an April 3 deadline, after which point buy buttons will presumably go away for print books.
This hits me right in the pocketbook. Two of the Deadliest will be out in paperback on April 20. (/shameless plug) HarperCollins is one of the publishers currently in talks with Amazon.
Back during the last Amazonfail I took down the links to Amazon to any books that couldn't be found on other sites. (Some are so far out of print that you have to get them used.)
I'm not a happy camper today.
Tags: Amazonfail
Filed under: Amazonfail
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