Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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Sliverlight Flickr Slideshow

Admittedly, this isn't going to work for everyone, and you may be asked to download a plug-in if you want to use it. But I'm not going to know how it will work unless I post this and start using it.

This is the Slide.Show Silverlight application developed by Vertigo, showing pictures fr...

1/3/2008 1:05:13 PM
What I'm learning about my photography

One of my current projects is to duplicate my pictures on Zooomr to Flickr and vice-versa. Why? The main reason is that I don't want all my pictures in one place. Or even worse, to have one service go down and lose part of my pictures. (Yes, I have everything locally, plus backups. It's just standard paranoia.)

Another reason is that I'm tired of waiting on the Zooomr API. You know, it would figure that once I get all this done the API will go out the door. I asked for a ke...

1/2/2008 10:53:36 AM
Dropping in for a moment....
I'm still swamped/stressed with family matters (everyone here is fine; this is mostly family paperwork. Boring but necessary, and some of it has a deadline), but I just wanted to blog a picture that I shot yesterday evening. My way of dealing with stress was to take the camera outside and focus on something else, if you'll pardon the pun. The light was getting low, the wind was kicking up, and that made shooting difficult, but I managed this one picture of a caterpillar:

6/20/2007 3:42:07 PM

Censorship? Bad PR? Or just a misstep?
I've been watching the Flickr thread about what's happening with their German service with interest.

Flickr has been the subject of several accusations of censorship recently. At least with US accounts they've moved fairly quickly, though sometimes it has taken an outcry among users to get something to happen.

The issue (as I understand it) is that Flickr Germany accounts are being blocked from viewing pictures with a "Moder...

6/15/2007 10:42:06 AM
Cool new Flickr toy
10/5/2006 8:41:33 AM
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Sliverlight Flickr Slideshow
1/3/2008 1:05:13 PM

What I'm learning about my photography
1/2/2008 10:53:36 AM

Dropping in for a moment....
6/20/2007 3:42:07 PM

Censorship? Bad PR? Or just a misstep?
6/15/2007 10:42:06 AM

Cool new Flickr toy
10/5/2006 8:41:33 AM

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