Gravatar deslily said:
Awww.. double our pleasure! Beauties ..both of them!!
Date: 9/15/2006 3:13:38 PM

Gravatar kayleighbough said:
Kitties! =D I love your house stories. Do you have a fanfiction account perchance? If you do, go to the link and reply through author contact, or something along those lines. KB
Date: 9/20/2006 2:59:08 AM

Gravatar Astaryth said:
I love when indoor cats get a chance to look out... they always seem so awed by it. My little one likes to look out, but doesn't actually want to GO out there
Date: 9/22/2006 10:10:01 PM

Gravatar deslily said:
Awww.. double our pleasure! Beauties ..both of them!!
Date: 9/15/2006 3:13:38 PM

Gravatar kayleighbough said:
Kitties! =D I love your house stories. Do you have a fanfiction account perchance? If you do, go to the link and reply through author contact, or something along those lines. KB
Date: 9/20/2006 2:59:08 AM

Gravatar Astaryth said:
I love when indoor cats get a chance to look out... they always seem so awed by it. My little one likes to look out, but doesn't actually want to GO out there
Date: 9/22/2006 10:10:01 PM


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