Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Back in town

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Sunday, July 16, 2006

There may not be an entry tomorrow as we'll be busy with family business, but I've got a nice big photoblog entry!

We spent the weekend in Oklahoma City at SoonerCon. This SF convention is being revived after several years of inactivity, and we thought we'd go. We used to have such a good time. Those folks really knew how to put on a party, and they still do.

We were a little dubious when we got to the hotel. The conventions had been held at this facility years ago, and the last time they were there several guests had problems. We were pleased to see that the hotel was under new management and all of the guest rooms had been renovated. On top of that, the first floor was entirely non-smoking, including the meeting facilities. I don't know if things have changed in Oklahoma or if this hotel just took it upon themselves. It used to be that it was okay to smoke in elevators, and when we went to conventions I'd stay clear of the elevators, even if it meant trudging up and down five or six floors to my room.

The coffee cracked me up:


We never tried it as the lobby offered free coffee to guests in the morning, and it's been our experience that lobby coffee is generally better than what they put in the rooms.

The convention was a lot of fun. We met up with some old friends and we put on one of our radio workshops. We're dead tired - but then, who sleeps at these things?

We did go down to Bricktown, which is the old warehouse district in downtown Oklahoma City. I think Dallas could take a cue or two from OKC. Both Friday and Saturday the place was packed. Sunday there were drag boat races on the river and the racers parked downtown to show off their boats:


My dad used to race boats, so it was kind of neat to see how racing boats have evolved over the years.

There is also a canal downtown. I'm not sure if this existed early on or if it's been built recently, but the place has been turned into a bit of a riverwalk:





I have to apologize for the quality of the pictures. I walked off without a tripod or the Pod. Click on any image for a larger picture.

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