About That Small Vacation...
Hey, it's been a while. I'll work on a catch-up post, but I did mention a small vacation.

How small? Oh, only a seven day cruise to the Western Caribbean. So yes, we did get a good deal on the cruise, and yes, we sprung for the deluxe drink package, along with several excursions. ...
3/25/2025 3:50:34 PM
Lightning Achievement Unlocked!
I've been hoping for years to get a lightning photo. Any photo would do - I just wanted to capture a lightning bolt.
Tonight was the night. And I'm glad I wasn't out for perfection or I'd never have gotten the shot. I was in the car at a traffic light with my cell phone. So yes, it's not the best quality, but I'm really happy to have done it!
5/8/2024 9:11:26 PM
Behold! Eclipse Pictures!
I'm in North Texas, so we had a lot of cloud cover. Also had camera trouble. However, the clouds parted for at least a portion of totality, and it was awesome. Truly a once in a lifetime experience. Unless I want to spend a ton of money to go to another location. I don't think that's going to happen.
Anyway, have some pictures!
4/8/2024 4:37:56 PM
A Two-Week Vacation With NO DSLR
I know I'm late on this. It's been a fall.
We finally got a vacation in September - two weeks in the UK! Then we brought home an unwanted souvenir. Of course, work really backed up, and so, here we are in mid-December.
I did spend my illness - brain fog and all - putting together a journal of our vacation. You can see it here.
Normally I lug along a DSLR and a coupl...
12/14/2023 10:54:27 AM
A Little Virtual Housekeeping
I'm making a few changes to the site. Mainly updating a few things here and there. You may not even notice some of the changes. At any rate, the site is in serious need of updating, and I plan to squeeze that task in over the coming weeks.
And yes, the cat tax must be paid. Have an inscrutable Daenerys.
8/24/2023 11:00:16 AM
Macro Shots With the S23
A few weeks back we both upgraded our phones to the Galaxy S23 Ultra. Man, it's a nice phone. Of course, I have to put the camera through its paces. Today's exercise was macro photography. Of course, it's May in Texas, so the winds here aren't exactly calm. I did the best I could. These shots are straight from the camera. The only change I made was to resize them for the journal, which is generally standard for most of my photography. After all, why force you to wait on gigantic images? ...
5/9/2023 1:49:28 PM
Testing the new mobile entry page
If this works, have a beer! 
4/21/2023 10:12:41 AM
It's a cat!
4/18/2023 2:32:12 PM
Pictures For A Cloudy Day
It's a bit of a nasty day here: cloudy and windy with rain off and on. Of course, that makes it a challenging opportunity to find some color in the gray. I got lucky when the sun poked through the clouds and the wind died down a bit. I managed a couple of halfway decent pictures.
A fo...
1/2/2023 3:14:02 PM
Meowy Catmas!
At last! The Catmas Card!
You can find all of our cards at the link above....
12/16/2021 12:10:29 PM