Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings Watches The Storms Roll In

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, March 19, 2012

Looks like our first serious round of storms for the spring is on the way. This view to the northwest from the side of the house was taken just a few minutes ago:


Still a mixture of dark clouds and sunshine. Yet, while there has been a report of a tornado in Grapevine (that would be in the DFW Airport area for those not from around these here parts), but the radar still shows the rain to the west of Ft. Worth and Denton.

Already the wind has kicked up considerably: twice a large box from the neighbor's trash collection site has blown into our yard. I'm just letting it stay there now. It's just gonna blow back again. I've picked up a small branch from the street, and probably should keep an eye out for stuff to fall from the cottonwood tree in the front.

If you're interested, check out the Scoop Blog at the Dallas Morning News (not a subscription link as far as I'm aware), where they've aggregated live Twitter feeds from local meteorologists. Also for Texans, here is a map of power outages from Oncor. 

And we're now under a Tornado Watch, a Flash Flood Watch, and a High Wind advisory. Storms are expected to hit Dallas about 6:00 PM.

So, what else? Spent the weekend dealing with the sinus infection from you-know-where. And frankly, this change in the weather isn't helping. Not much I can do but medicate myself and keep going.

Working on web stuff for a couple of jobs.

And, ker-ching, got a check in the mail! That's always nice.

Off to start dinner. Keep safe out there!
Tags: Pictures  Life

Filed under: Monday Mumblings   Pictures   Weather      


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