Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings Watches the Clouds Roll In

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, April 25, 2011

This was shot from the front yard within the last half hour:

Creepy Clouds

My next post may be from the Land of Oz.

Spent the weekend learning how to format ebooks. Looks like I'll be offering that as a service as part of my freelance business. No, I am not going to be come a publisher (save for my own work). Watch for a link on this soon.

I would offer up some links, but I seem to have lost them in the last computer reboot. On top of everything else, I've been experiencing some odd computer-related issues. I can't seem to find the cause, but things seem to have stabilized over the last couple of hours. We shall see.

Time to run off and finish laundry, feed the fish, and start some dinner.

Stay dry and safe.

Tags: Pictures Life

Filed under: Pictures   Weather   Monday Mumblings   Life   


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