A White Sunday
Fresh when it gets here from
Julie Barrett
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Well, I'm still planning to take the day off. Pardon my persnickety behavior last night, but as upset as I was, I don't take back the sentiment. I probably should have taken some time off during Spring Break but much of it has been a week of waiting on people to respond to one thing or another.
And I woke up with a lovely (why yes, I AM being sarcastic, why do you ask?) cold, which explains why everything came to a head last night. (As in head cold, get it?)
It wasn't ALL gloom and doom. A couple of people who did respond dropped some good news in the inbox, none of which I'm able to share just yet. Such is life. Many thanks to those people for brightening up an otherwise frustrating week.
Now, to the matter at hand. We woke up to a few inches of snow!

It's not unusual to have a last gasp of Winter in early Spring, but this is certainly out of the ordinary.
I'm off to medicate with more coffee. Yep, that and hot tea will probably be my drugs of choice today. That, and the pot of chili I plan to make tonight. Just the thing to clear out the sinuses before bed!
Tags: Life Pictures
Filed under: Life Pictures Weather Snow
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