Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Well. My big project over the last couple of days was a bit of a makeover for the Photo Gallery.

I did this for two reasons. One, I wasn't entirely happy with the gallery software I had; and two, I need to create one from scratch for a new client. That gave me the opportunity to dig in and redo it using some freeware tools, but adding a .Net kick.

Here's the situation: The client would like to be able to add and delete pictures from the directory and then have them automagically show up on the gallery. I discovered that their hosting service supports .Net, so I was able to draw on my existing skills.

I started with SonSpring Hoverbox Image Gallery, but quickly decided that I needed a combination of that and Lightbox 2. Enter the Suckerfish HoverLightbox Redux, which uses a combination of the two projects.

Of course, what I was missing was the ability to read a list of files from a directory. This is where .Net came in. It's possible to a Data List and bind the list of files as a Data Source. From there I had to adjust the CSS as the code that works perfectly in the HTML version doesn't play nice with the Data List. That took some serious trial-and-error as I'm not the CSS wizard that my son is. I did learn a lot today, though!

Yep, I need to add some more pictures and do some tweaking on what's out there. But this is good enough that I can demo it to the client.

Filed under: Pictures            


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