Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Photo Shoot

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, August 20, 2007

John Scalzi celebrates four years of blogging for AOL today. Happy anniversary, John! So this week's Monday Photo shoot assignment is very appropriate:

Find a picture from 2003 and post it. Any picture is fine; it just has to be from the now-oh-so-distant year of two thousand aught-three. Surely you have pictures from then? Yes?

Yes, and they're almost all cats and flowers. Thought I'd try for something a little different. I found this perched in front of my window one morning in September of 2003:

Killer Keep Left Sign

Yes, it's the killer Keep Left sign!

Okay, so it's not a vicious gang of keep left signs, but it was certainly startling to see that perched in front of the house.

That was the start of one of many rounds of sewer work on the street. And yes, sometimes things got rather fragrant around the Manor. The local coffee shops got quite a bit of my business during that time. Between the noise and the smell it was impossible to work at home some days. The entire enterprise culminated with the appearance of a specially-designed robot that spread new liner in the pipes. The work crew was camped out in front of our house (we were the winners of the sewer lottery, apparently) with a truck full of high-tech gear designed to control and monitor the robot. As bad as it all was, the other option was to tear up two of the three lanes in the street and completely replace the pipes. At that point I suspect I'd have sprung for a really, really good pair of headphones. And a gas mask.

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