Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

I just had to document this...

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Sunday, August 6, 2006

Rain! Cool!

No, this isn't the best picture I've ever shot, and I played a bit with it to make the important elements stand out. What you are seeing is 80F and rain. In Texas. In August. Oh, the patio barely got wet, but take my word for it that the temperature dropped over twenty degrees in an hour. It feels wonderful!

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deslily said:
our heat wave broke too!! Isn't it marvelous!!!!
Date: 8/6/2006 7:44:22 PM Date: 8/6/2006 7:44:22 PM

deslily said:
our heat wave broke too!! Isn't it marvelous!!!!
Date: 8/6/2006 7:44:22 PM Date: 8/6/2006 7:44:22 PM

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