Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Round Robin Extra!

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, February 17, 2006

I just realized that I had forgotten to add one picture to the post:

A toast

This is one of Chris' favorite pictures, and it was shot inside of Fitzgerald's pub in Avoca, Wicklow, Ireland back in 2001. Since a certain dark beverage is associated with Irish pubs, I feel obligated to point out that the beverage he's hoisting in salute is a soft drink.

Fans of British TV will recognize Avoca as the location of Ballykissangel. It is also the home of the oldest continuously-running handweaving shop in Ireland, and not far from Thomas Moore's Meeting of the Waters. When we made the decision to go to England and Ireland, Chris requested the side trip to Avoca, and you can tell by the look on his face that he's having a great time. You can see more pictures from the trip here. (I just wish I'd had a tripod with me when I took the picture of the interior of the church.)

Filed under: Pictures            


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Karen Funk Blocher said:
I like this picture a lot, too - espeically Chris' expression. Sheesh! Sorry about the typos in my previous comment. Either my eye-hand coordination's getting worse, this keyboard is messing up more, I'm very tired, or all of the above.
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Karen Funk Blocher said:
I like this picture a lot, too - espeically Chris' expression. Sheesh! Sorry about the typos in my previous comment. Either my eye-hand coordination's getting worse, this keyboard is messing up more, I'm very tired, or all of the above.
Date: Date:

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