Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

More snow!

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, February 4, 2011

Remember that picture I posted last nightt? This is what it looks like now, and we have another 1-2" on the way:


Officially, we have 4.8" of snow. I was kind of hoping to get out to the store today. But all is not lost. I still have enough beans for one pot of coffee.

Now, about that view from the front porch that hadn't changed since Tuesday. It's changed. Boy, has it ever changed!


Yes, there IS a road out there.

As a side note, late last night on the Weekend Assignment entry I was talking about sporting events and the weather. I completely forgot about last year (shame on me!) when Dallas hosted the NBA All-Star game. We had about a foot of snow then.

The snow has just started to fall here again. More pictures later, perhaps.

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