Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh, man. I am SO glad to see the end of the week. I've been a little more energetic over the last couple of days. Yesterday I actually cleared some space on my desk. Yes, stranger things have happened.

Today I went outdoors and shot some pictures. Here are a few:




Stopped at B&N this morning as well. My intention was to use a 15% off coupon to buy a paperback novel. Well, you know me and bookstores. I also picked up the latest issue of MAKE, and a book on B&W digital photography. I slapped the sticker on the photography book and went to the register. Then I discovered that my Rewards membership was up, so I renewed it while I was there. I'll save that and more when I do my Christmas shopping.

Dropped in at Staples and picked up an ink cartridge, and stopped at the cheap gas station in town to fill up. There's one place that's often about a nickel less than everyone else. Better yet, it was right on the loop of errands this morning. Boy, do I live an exciting life, or what?

Then I discovered that I had let the entire Geek culture down: I had not even glanced at the Fry's ad this morning! Drooling over the ad is free, and I'm in "getting Christmas ideas" mode. I'm terrible about letting things slide until the last minute, but this year I'd really like to spread the purchases out.

Speaking of such things, it's nearly November, and time to start thinking about the Catmas card. By tradition, that seems to get finished at the very last minute.

Back to laundry.

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for all the comments this week. I really appreciate it!

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