Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, October 6, 2006

Man, I have got to get this computer case replaced. The system froze again - right in the middle of a long entry. I think I've got a case picked out. Last night Paul and I took off on the bike and hit several computer stores, comparison shopping. I love riding on the back of the bike!

My energy level is slowly returning to what I'd expect. Yep, getting older sucks.

The big project for today has been transplanting aloe vera pups. I had over a dozen that were more than ready to go. While we did that we pulled a bunch of dirt from the main pot and repositioned the stalk to the center. You may recall this picture from April:

The honkin' big aloe vera

Imagine the stalk moved way to the left, and a dozen shoots, all a foot tall or higher in the rest of the space.

Yep, I've been birthin' babies all afternoon.

But that's not all! I got some work for a client out of the way (ker-ching!), worked on pictures for sale (soon, soon!) and ran errands.

It has been a very busy day. Now, if I can just get the desk cleaned off...

And I've got to go start another load of laundry!

Feline Friday is next. Enjoy your weekend!

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deslily said:
ker-ching is a mighty good sound lol... if you want yet more laundry just come on by my place! lol
Date: 10/6/2006 6:40:20 PM Date: 10/6/2006 6:40:20 PM

deslily said:
ker-ching is a mighty good sound lol... if you want yet more laundry just come on by my place! lol
Date: 10/6/2006 6:40:20 PM Date: 10/6/2006 6:40:20 PM

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