Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

May Challenge: Days 11-13

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Again, I've been shooting pics but have had no time to process them. Lots o' work. The challenge for this week is to shoot the same pair of shoes each day. I've shosen my beloved and well-worn Nike Shox. I have bad knees, and these shoes provide some extra cushioning. I need a new pair, though.

Sunday: Shoe Storage

Shoes in the cubbyhole. What? I put something away?!?

Monday: House Shoes

House Shoes!


Watchin' the Rain

I really wanted to take my work out on the patio today, but the weather is not cooperating. Wish I could say that I had more than a few minutes to sit outdoors and snap the picture, but work beckons!

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Filed under: Pictures   May Challenge         


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