Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Feline Friday

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, July 6, 2007

Feline Fry's Day

Feline Fry's Day

Welcome to Feline Friday! I've not had the chance to participate in a couple of weeks. Sorry about that. Guess it's time tho show both cats. Here they are perusing the Fry's ad. Midnight is looking for cool geek toys, while Abby holds out hope for a device that force her slaves to keep her constantly supplied with treats, Catmilk, and attention on demand. Good luck with that, Abby.

To see all of the Feline Friday fun, visit Steven's (sometimes)photoblog. Leave a link to a picture of your kitty or cat tale. Or, just look at the cats. They love the attention!


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Steven said:
There seems to be a bit of jealousy going on! Abby's look is classic.
Date: 7/7/2007 10:42:42 PM Date: 7/7/2007 10:42:42 PM

Steven said:
There seems to be a bit of jealousy going on! Abby's look is classic.
Date: 7/7/2007 10:42:42 PM Date: 7/7/2007 10:42:42 PM

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