Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

The short thaw

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Look! The ice is melting!

I harbor modest hopes of getting the car out of the driveway this afternoon.

I'd better, because they've changed the forecast. High today of 36. However, the temp on the patio is 38F and the local Weather Underground station shows 42F. This is encouraging. Oh, and since I shot the above picture about 90 minutes ago the icicles have completely melted. There are still some major icicles hanging about in the shade, but this is good - for the moment. Tomorrow's high is predicted to be 40F with a 40% chance of rain snow, with a low of 27F. Not so bad, but they're still calling for a chance of snow on Wednesday with a high of 27F.

The roads look decent. The alley is slushy, and the driveway is still covered in ice and snow. It's starting to melt off of my car, though. I just hope it starts.

Take care, and stay warm.


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