Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

My Day

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Since I'd already voted early, and since it was raining, I stayed in and got busy. My day so far:

Cut out several hats and washed the fabric for more.

Worked on one commission job.

Put together a new backdrop for photographing hats. I'm not entirely happy with it, but it ain't a bad start:


Photographed another hat for a teardown post over at Steam Cat. (Nothing to see on the teardown, yet. But there's a nifty new article on the care and feeding of steam irons.)

Ordered more embroidery thread.

Priced more fabric.

Now I get to go pull the fabric out of the dryer, cut up some squares, and start embroidering for call box deerstalkers. While that's going on, I'll be nearby at the sewing machine at work on the commission.

So  how has your day been?

Tags: Pictures  Life

Filed under: Pictures   Life         


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