Just a Blog Before I Go...
Fresh when it gets here from
Julie Barrett
Thursday, November 6, 2008
An odd day, today. Waiting for things to happen, but nothing that was
supposed to happen ever did. I know that sounds terribly cryptic, but
trust me: the truth would put you to sleep. Let's just say it involved
waiting on work on two separate fronts.
Spent part of the day
fiddling with the stylesheet here on the journal, but ended up not
changing a thing. I revised one story that's here on the site and
realized that section needs a serious overhaul. But I never got around
to that because it was time to start dinner.
And thus, the day was wasted.
Save for this morning, when I got one halfway decent shot:

are chinaberries. Soon, the leaves will be gone and they'll stand out
in stark contrast to the cold November sky. That is, whenever the cold
weather decides to hit. Me, I'm in no hurry. I want to get rid of the
last vestiges of the con crud first.
That particular cunning
plan involved medication for tonight - until I walked into the office
and saw the Garden Ridge ad laying on the desk. You see, one of the
things that was supposed to happen - if the other stuff ever happened -
was that I was going to go out and look at comforters that were on sale
today only. Sigh. Chris was kind enough to drive me out there and we
spent time walking the aisles looking at comforters, beds in bags,
luxury comforter sets, quilts, and other bed covering-related items.
current comforter is ready to be retired. With two cats in the house
I'm not inclined to go out and buy a nice designer thing to throw on
the bed to act as insulation for humans and the receptor of special
gifts from Midnight. Yet, it shouldn't be so hideous as to cause great
pain when we walk into the room. So Chris and I walked the rows of
merchandise in an attempt to find likely candidates. If I had been into
leopard skin or imitation satin I'd have hit the jackpot. As it was, I
was left with a hodge-podge of paisley prints and over-the-top florals.
Everything that looked wonderful was not in our bed size. But of course.
finally found something that should work. Chris snapped a picture and
sent it to Paul's phone for his approval. After all, he has to live
with it just as much as I do.
We got to the checkout lane and
the reader choked on my card. They don't accept the plastic I
proffered. I swiped another card and the terminal totally locked up. No
amount of coaxing could get it to accept my signature. After much
wailing and gnashing of teeth the supervisor managed to void the sale
and sent me to another register. Good thing I wasn't buying a butter
knife; I expect she'd have impaled herself on it as an act of abject
apology. Ah, well. Better than than indifference.
Maybe I'll
take a picture tomorrow - if it doesn't look to ugly once I get it on
the bed. I'm prepared for the fact that it will look nothing whatsoever
like the picture on the package.
Now I'm off to medicate myself and fall into bed.
Tags: Life,
Filed under: Life Pictures
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