Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, January 15, 2007

The ice came overnight, but it wasn't as heavy as predicted. Here's a shot from this morning:


This is next door. I think they must have had their sprinklers going early this morning. I'm working on posting a small set to Zooomr, but they seem to be experiencing technical difficulties. Too many people looking at the CES booth babe shots. Still.

Today is a scheduled school holiday, so at least we didn't have to go through the mess of determining whether or not school is in session. We can watch the list scroll on TV for a quarter hour and hope to see it or go to the school district web site, which sometimes gives contradictory information. No worries about that today. Paul is working from home, and I'm busy finishing taxes and attempting to put the finishing touches on another project. That and trying to stay warm.

Back to work. Much to do today. But we are fine. Thanks for the kind thoughts, everyone.

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