Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Big storm! More fun with phone solicitors!

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, May 3, 2007

I'm taking a break from yardwork. This was not my plan for today, but we had a nasty storm move through last night with winds of up to 80 MPH. Our house survived, but we lost quite a few limbs on the cottonwood tree and a small chinaberry tree fell down last night, blocking the alley. We got the alley clear last night and I pulled branches out of the street. This morning we went out to survey the damage. Not a lot, fortunately, but there are a lot of tree limbs to clear out.

I've got the front yard almost clear. I need to trim back some damaged rose bush limbs then attack the rest of the tree trunk. After that I've got a few limbs on the driveway to cut down so the city will take them.

I also managed to wrench a knee, but I put on a brace and that seems to be helping.

There will be pictures later today.

Came in to take a break and get some water and answered a phone call. There was no number on the ID and I should have just left it. It was a lady claiming to be from the bank offering an "exciting new service." But she'd only talk to Paul.

"But I handle the financial matters in the family."

(Disappointed) "Oh."

"Well, I'm sorry that bothers you!" She didn't know what to say. And I apologized for being rude and mentioned that I'd been outside clearing out storm damage. Then she apologized and asked when to call back to speak with Paul. I told her not to bother and hung up.

I'm sorry, but this is a joint account. That means either of us can make the decisions regarding services from the bank. I resent that someone thinks a woman can't make financial decisions. We've been with this bank in one form or another since before we were married and this drives me up the wall.

Think I'll send a nastygram to the bank before I go back to work.

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