Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Well, That Was Fun...

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, April 17, 2008

The tornado sirens went off about half an hour ago. We turned on the radar and it looked as though the worst weather was to the north of us. The city tends to activate the sirens for the entire area. Covering their backsides, I guess.

Our sirens are kind of disconcerting. After they wail for a few minutes, a vocal message urges us to seek shelter. They test the sirens on the first Wednesday of the month. The sirens wail, then some bored civil engineer mutteres something about a test from a script. The thing is, I've heard several sirens over the years, but never an "all clear." I guess that's outside of the job description of the creepy, disembodied voice. They probably have a special union and everything.

Well, I'm going to try to get some sleep.


Filed under: Weather            


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