Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Making a list...

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, September 11, 2008

If the current five-day forecast for hurricane Ike is correct, we'll get the brunt of the storm Saturday night/Sunday morning. The NWS keeps changing the projected path, but that's typical with these sorts of storms. The latest advisory states that we should expect sustained winds of up to 40 MPH (39 is tropical storm force) and hurricane force gusts. Now, we do get this kind of wind in the severe storms that tend to sweep through in the spring and fall, but generally the sustained winds aren't this strong. We get 20-30 MPH in March and April even on sunny days, though. (I think we officially beat Chicago when it comes to being windy, but we'll let them keep their monikker.)

So, this means I need to make lists and stock up. The track of the storm may move yet, but I'm not going to wait until the last minute. I'm outta here in a few minutes, but here's my cunning plan for the next couple of days:

  • Shop for groceries. I have plenty of candles and AA batteries because we do get power outages - even in the middle of the summer. I need enough food to last until at least Monday. Some non-perishable foods.
  • Hit the bookstore. New reading material is a good thing.
  • Vist Home Depot for some replacement weatherstripping for the patio door. That's been on the to do list for a long time, and since the patio door faces south this is a good time to do that little job.
  • Check emergency stocks. (Should go to the top of the list)
  • Gas the car.
  • Clear the patio. The table can go against the wall, but the chairs and vulnerable container plants should go indoors. The herbs and peppers are looking very good right now and I'd hate to have the plants fall over in the storm. 
  • Double-check the "go" file. I keep important stuff on file just in case - insurance numbers, extra ID, that sort of thing. I don't expect to have to evacuate, but it's always a good idea to have that stuff within easy reach.
  • Fill a container or two with non-potable water. Stuff for flushing and washing. 
  • Charge camera batteries. I may need to take pictures for insurance purposes. Plus, I don't want to miss out on cool storm pictures because of a flat battery.
Plans will adjust depending on the projected track of the storm, and the condition of my splitting headache. At least now I have a reason for the headache: The dailly pollen count e-mail arrived as I was composing this: 6108 fungus! Yikes!

I'm off to do the errand thing. More later, perhaps.

If you're down Houston/Galveston way, take care.


Filed under: Weather            


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lisa said:
These kind of things always remind me of the time we lived in VA and had one coming. Every store was out of water. Me and the same group of people traveled from store to store looking for gallons of water. One store finally had some straight off the truck. I still remember these people whining because it was DISTILLED! While they fussed about the fact it was not spring water, I grabbed it all up! I wasn't going to be a brat!! I hope you get all the beneficial rain and none of the other yucky stuff that comes with these.
Date: 9/11/2008 12:58:25 PM Date: 9/11/2008 12:58:25 PM

lisa said:
These kind of things always remind me of the time we lived in VA and had one coming. Every store was out of water. Me and the same group of people traveled from store to store looking for gallons of water. One store finally had some straight off the truck. I still remember these people whining because it was DISTILLED! While they fussed about the fact it was not spring water, I grabbed it all up! I wasn't going to be a brat!! I hope you get all the beneficial rain and none of the other yucky stuff that comes with these.
Date: 9/11/2008 12:58:25 PM Date: 9/11/2008 12:58:25 PM

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