Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

My SoonerCon Schedule

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I have my official schedule for SoonerCon!

Friday 5:00 pm, Plaza: Here Be Pirates  with Tim Powers, Ethan Nathe (M), M.H. Bonham, and Linda Donahue

Friday 6:00 pm, Plaza: Opening Ceremonies

Friday 8:00 pm, Green Country: Artist Reception

Saturday, 11 am, Plaza S: Steampunk, Victoriana, and Egyptology with Tim Powers, Mel White, Caroline Spector (M), and Brad and Sue Sinor

Saturday, 3:00 pm, Con Suite: Radio Show casting and rehearsal. 

Saturday, 6:00 pm, Plaza: Radio Show (This is the break in the masquerade, so the time may vary a bit. What are we doing? Spoilers, sweetie!)

Saturday, 9:00 pm: FenCon room party! I have a fresh batch of our infamous DSC Chili simmering as I type...

Sunday, 10:00 am, Con Suite Coffee Klatch. There be a truckload of folks at that. Come grab munchies and coffee, and hang out. 

Sunday 11 am, Red Carpet: Steampunk, Victirians, Edwardians, OH MY! with Bev Hale, Duvall Gilchrist-Montgomery, and Tim Frayser (M)

Sunday 1 pm, Red Carpet: Writing Careers in the Post-Paper Era with Gary Jonas, Jackson Compton, Ethan Nathe, and Jeniffer DiCamillo. I'm moderating. Be afraid. ;-)

Also check out my stuff in the Art Show and at the new Steam Cat site.

Fellow panelists, if I misspelled your name, please let me know. I'm bushed from putting this chili together. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it! But only because it's true. Anyway, I'll be glad to fix the typo.

Filed under: Conventions            


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