Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings Sleeps In

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, June 27, 2011

Why yes, I was out of town over the weekend. Why do you ask?;-)

I spent the weekend in Houston at ApolloCon. Sold six pieces in the art show and also sat on the Conventions Across Texas Panel, which was moderated by Fan GoH Jeanne Gomoll. The FenCon party was a success. All in all, a good weekend, though tiring. Mel. White shared a ride down with us. She was a fun companion. Thanks, Mel., and I'm sure you didn't plan on that literal crash course in Android phones yesterday. (Yes, mine kind of screwed the pooch after we got on the road, but she helped me get it reset and back up and running.)

As usual, I came home with lots of great ideas, not to mention missing out on a lot of sleep. I did not turn on the alarm for this morning. 

Taking the day off today to catch up with Real Life. (How dare I!) I have further thoughts, as usual, on the state of publishing and the many changes in the industry, but I'll hold those for when I'm more coherent. (Quiet in the peanut gallery [grin].)

More later.

Tags: Life

Filed under: Monday Mumblings   Conventions   Life      


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Mel. White said:
So how did the rework of the phone go??

Date: 6/27/2011 12:05:23 PM Date: 6/27/2011 12:05:23 PM

Julie said:
Thanks for stopping by! The phone is working great, now. 
Date: 6/27/2011 5:12:37 PM Date: 6/27/2011 5:12:37 PM

Mel. White said:
So how did the rework of the phone go??

Date: 6/27/2011 12:05:23 PM Date: 6/27/2011 12:05:23 PM

Julie said:
Thanks for stopping by! The phone is working great, now. 
Date: 6/27/2011 5:12:37 PM Date: 6/27/2011 5:12:37 PM

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