Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

SoonerCon Report

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

(Looky what I bought in the Art Show.)

Yeah, I'm late on this. We had some computer issues and I wanted to wait until we had a link to the radio show ready to post. So now I have no excuse to procrastinate.

SoonerCon was a blast, as usual. I can't say enough good things about the concom. They put on a good event.

Friday's Photography for Art Sales panel was awesome, and I picked up some good techniques from my fellow panelists. 

Saturday was a blur. I had a moment of panic when I discovered I was moderating a panel that included Peter Pixie as one of the panelists. I love Peter Pixie. He's a very cool guy, but he's the emcee. He's good at what he does, and I've been on panels he's moderated. Could I live up to his standards? Well, I got through it, and he had some nice words. But it was a cool panel. I had fun.

The radio show turned out well. We got lots of laughs, which is sort of the point of the thing. 

Sunday morning's hat demo went well. My partner in millinery crime, Bev Hale, was unable to attend. But I muddled through and got some good feedback from the audience. Also we had a surprise "guest" of a vintage top hat with damage to show, and discuss how it might be made wearable. 

The only disappointment was that I didn't do as well in the art show as I hoped. Had some new hats and fascinators, and hoped they'd go over well. Some similar fascinators had gone over well at the previous convention. Oh, well. You never know. It's just one of those things, and it's as much of a marketing thing for Steam Cat as anything else. And if I look at it from that standpoint, it was a success. 

Speaking of the art show, I did pick up something. I was going to go crazy in the dealer room until I saw the desk set from Peri Charlifu, and I just had to have it. Plus, it provided an excuse to clean off the desk in the bedroom. 

So, the radio show. You want a link, don't you? Here ya go

Tags: Life

Filed under: Life   Conventions   SoonerCon   Radio Shows   


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