Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

When Karma Bites Back

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, November 19, 2009

A while back I blogged about the options the school district was considering for realigning schools. I expressed concerns about students in this neighborhood who didn't have transportation to a more distant high school. The district offers bus service, but if a student wants to participate in extracurricular activities or some tutoring plans, their family is responsible for transportation. People like me were told to suck it up. We'd have two great schools on the east side under the "balanced" plan.

Now the PISD has a new plan. Williams (our "home" HS) is going to be a magnet school. Kids in this neighborhood will still have to take the bus over to Murphy. You know, I could live with that knowing that Williams is being re-purposed. But there are now plans to send kids at Bowman (the middle school down the street that we're not zoned to attend) across 75 to Clark. Now those parents are up in arms. There are parents close to Plano East who will be attending Plano Senior in the geographic center of town. They're up in arms.

Yep, some of them are the same folks who told us to suck it up. It's a classic case of the shoe being on the other foot. Folks, this is all in the name of having great high schools in Plano. What? That doesn't sound right to you? Oh, I think I know what part of it is about. Sending your kids to school with "those" kids from this neighborhood.

Karma bites back sometimes, and it hurts. Hope you can sit down.

Filed under: Education            


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