Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings, Tuesday Style

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Still trying to get my energy back after SoonerCon.

We had a good time, but man, that hotel needs a serious remodel.

The car spent the day in the shop getting an incontinent power steering hose replaced. Of course, they just can't replace the hose, they have to do several associated parts as well. Of course, the parts had to come from the dealer. And, of course, the courier from the dealer showed up with every part but mine, so they had to make another run. But hey, they got it in and out the same day.

So what else is new? I've started a new Steampunk gallery over at Imagekind. Check it out.

I have a lot of things to catch up on this week, so blogging may be light.

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