Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

It's Cat "Torture" Season

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, June 18, 2010

Abby in the Cone of Humiliation, 2009

"Torture," of course, is a relative term. We see it as "treating a serious skin issue," and she sees it as a violation of the Geneva Convention.

Abby is the second purebred Abyssinian we've had, and both have suffered seasonal skin allergies. Damocles, our previous Abyssinian, used to break out on her neck. Abby breaks out on her belly, and the problems surface fast. We have a multi-step regimen depending on her condition:
  1. Treat with "torture" spray, an antibiotic, steroid concoction we get from the vet.
  2. Wash affected area with antibacterial soap (again, from the vet), then go to step 1.
  3. Follow with the Cone of Humiliation.
  4. Place her in the utility room or bathroom, away from carpets and other textiles she likes to lounge upon.
This time we went straight to step 2. She seems to be responding, but is Not Amused. We're hoping to not have to go with the cone this year, if she'll cooperate. We shall see.

Anyway, if you hear a tortured kitty meow from this end of town, it's probably Abby, protesting her ill treatment at the hands of her slaves.

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