Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

A Little Web Geek Humor

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A young JQuery script walks into a web form. The web form says, "you know I can't serve you until you locate your parent." Well, the JQuery script SEES its parent, but the web form demands it spell the parent's name out to the last letter. Trouble is, the parent comes from a long line Redmond nobility that bred itself with an open source strain. All of the families insisted that their names be part of the parent's name. Hey, even the parent had to constantly refer to its own ID. 

The little JQuery script was frustrated. It wanted its parent, but wasn't sure of its own name, much less that of its parent. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth and throwling of tantrums, the little script walked outside and down a dark alley until it found a fortune teller named Google who would reveal all, if only the little script could ask the right question.

Several hours later, the little script walked back into the web form. "Well?" demanded the form. "I can't serve you until you identify your parent." The little script reached into its pocket, pulled out a scroll, and incanted, "ctl00_ctl00_Childmaster_RightColumn_FormView2_Editor1." The controls on the web form fell silent. The form took the little script in hand, united it with its parent, and then began to serve up a most delicous string of character counts. 

And then the web cops walked in and arrested the little script because its unterminated curly bracket was dangling for all to see. 

There must be moral there somewhere, but darned if I can think of it. Maybe if I lay off the caffeine… ;-)

Tags: Technology

Filed under: Geekery   Humor         


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