Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, February 6, 2006

Where did the weekend go? Oh, I know: It was lost in DI meetings in which nothing whatsover got done. These kids have a tournament at the end of the month, and I fear that once again they will schlep through a barely-memorized script with cardboard props that fall over at the slightest provocation. In the end at least one team member will whine because they don't advance to the next level of competition. That's always the way it is. Last year they went to state only because they were the only team competing in their challenge/level. This year they have competition.

It's much more fun to sit around and play and throw paint than to do actual work. Oh, yes: I have more paint and crap to clean up. I'd like to know what it is that makes kids think they can go visit another house and do things they could never get away with at home. A couple of weeks ago they plastered the patio table with newspaper and glue. I cleaned it off Saturday and told them - twice, mind you to not use the table for painting or crafts again unless they cover it. This is why I have a large stump in the back yard. Mess it up. Have fun. Yesterday they brought their cardboard inside and made ready to paint! I herded them outside and where did they go? The patio table.

I could go on about the total lack of commitment. Oh, they're there for the tournament and the ones who put in the least effort want to be the stars. The few who do show up for meetings and do the bulk of the work get shunted off to the side at the actual performance.

Well, I've just about had it. Chris has one more year and I'll stick with it, although with great reluctance. They go to these tournaments and see the teams that come up with clever, elaborate solutions and then whine because those teams must have had outside help. Well, it's called getting off of your tails and doing the work. It's called showing up to do your bit instead of IMing until 4 am and then sleeping all day.

Nothing like starting the week off with a rant, is there? Oh, I do get sick of DI about this time of year, and I'm sure every team manager does. I will spend the day after the tournament doing as much of nothing as possible. Well, I say that, and end up in a cleaning frenzy. I'm not (as long-time readers know) the most organized person in the world, but there's something cathartic about clearing the stuff away.

Paul is still off in Europe, and hopes to return tomorrow. We shall see.

I didn't get much chance to talk about Friday. My mom and sister came out so we could exchange mom's cell phone. I decided to take a quick look at it before we headed out to Sprint, and it turned out that the battery had almost zero charge. Apparently she's got a dead outlet on the power strip in which the charger had been plugged. Saved me a potential doh! moment at Sprint, although I would have easily caved in and bought a new phone, which I really don't need.

We went out to IKEA instead. For someone who wasn't interested in going, my sister sure bought a lot of stuff. She was impressed, though grudgingly so. We finished the evening off with Tex-Mex.

Aside from that I got nothing done other than some research and recreational reading. Oh, and I watched that football game last night. The one with all the commercials. Seriously, I was pulling for Seattle. They just couldn't get enough breaks - and then that bad call in the 4th quarter may have put the last nail in the coffin.

Well, must do work for a client, and then perhaps I can find a picture for today.

Filed under: Life            


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